Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Locations...might not be able to do them all, but a basic plan

1. Chinese Pagoda
2. Stone Bridge
3. Rose Garden (winding path)
4. Side Wall/ Bike Path
5. Hidden Picnic Table
6. Benches/ Bike Path/ Stairs
7. Big Bridge
8. River Viewpoint West of Bridge (2 trees)
9. Picnic Tables/ Beginning of Path
10. Chain Link Fence
11. Flights of Stairs up to end...


Bodies in Urban Spaces

by this company: http://www.ciewdorner.at/index.php?page=start

shows some possibilities- many very similar to what we are doing...

Discovery Day: Memories, Wishes, Graffiti

So today with Theresa and Jason and Michelle was interesting...they went on a sensory walk through the park, noticing things, listening, feeling. They came back talking about texture, Theresa focussing micro on tiny unfolding leaves and mutant rosebushes, Michelle commenting on the flatness of the water and sky, feeling lucky to have such a space in the city, not yet encrusted with concrete...

The idea is to create memories tied to specific places in the park, specific feelings- cold and warm, mosquitoes, interacting with children and homeless guys, that we can pull up for either storytelling or movement vocab later. Enriching with memory so we feel connected to the space itself- creating our own history within it.

We also went on a rather elongated wish collecting spree, getting wishes written onto little price tags and attaching them to the trees. We encountered all sorts of obvious resistance, and plenty of participation as well. It felt like it could really go far, especially with accumulated effect of seeing other people's participation. Many were suspicious of us and perhaps would get more involved if allowed to do it themselves in their own time and way, instead of dictating to one of us.
It does make the tree look cool. I will return later today just to see what remains.
Top wishes for kids= candy, .....fairy
Top wishes for adults= money, world peace.

This also makes me think about sculptures whose job is to be destroyed/altered by people.

We did some chalk graffiti on the bridge (No.........ing)

There is something cool about collecting buckets of river water. Extreme!

Lunch time definitely is high traffic and plenty of soldiers (bitches) of fitness

We seem to have decided to use hammer in signs along the cement wall/walkway to tell a story that can be read in both directions.

I want to get a dancer to walk up the bridge (South to North) slowly in red (Jodie?) laying down a red line. Then centre lines become a going concern throughout. north/south, rich/poor, past/present, bad/good, young/old etc...

I like Jason getting trapped in the web. Need to figure out where...

Also need cardboard signs to hang on us.
I am thinking/wondering about some fake fantasy signage in the bushes...
Coming soon!
check out http://www.timetchells.com/

and I am really looking forward to Shawn coming!!! There is lots of potential for sound input, from banging on the bridge, to ghetto blasters at the picnic table with the 3 bears, to some sort of chimes on the chain link fence, to a song for Michelle around the stone bridge that sets it all up.
I have walkie talkies and we will all have a story we could tell. Sound for the canoe to go with Michelle...Acoustic instruments? I looked up bridge music and of course got the musical definition of bridge, which is transitional in structure.

Interesting video

Friday, May 27, 2011

Wallet Lost/ Wallet Found

It felt good to have a slightly larger group going on today...
fun with:
flags in the bushes
relay races on rocks
water in can from the river
lots of dance on bridge (play with distance)
rotating trios on picnic tables.
Jason caught in a red spiderweb.

Feeling good about the use of signs, labels, tags and instructions.
People are generally game to be involved if we aren't TOO wanky.


Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Tags for the Fence

I am looking for something interactive to leave behind on the chain link fence:
choice #1= cheap and audience can write on them
writable metal rim tags
choice #2= not so cheap but cool and engrave-able
metal valve tags

The space has greened up incredibly in the past week. Much more lush. And many more lushes to go with the warm weather....

Friday, May 20, 2011


With Kat, Theresa and Jason today we found a few things that caught interest:
1. a red crepe paper streamer tied to the bridge at its midpoint. 25 metres long. lovely

2. Kat on the rocks washing clothes and spreading them out. in red. installation-type

Things that didn't work:
-dropping dandelions
-person in white in tree
-person in parallel installation on S side of river in white (too receeded and competes with red)

person in Tree needs tree talk text (theresa working on lung associations)
crepe paper finish line and cheering for joggers and runners is funny
bucket to gather water (25 m string)
Person who only walks on rocks. Another sets and moves them...
anything x 50 people would work. A choir? A school? Volunteers?
Return of the people balancing branches on their heads
Return of the deer in the bush

bears at the picnic table (perhaps before and after)

Signs or stickers:
No Spitting
No Loitering
No Talking
No Running
No Stopping
No Washing
No Climbing
No Watching
No Dancing
No Stripping
No Fighting
No Drinking
No Eating
No Trespassing
No Returning
No Asking

the yarnbombing idea was just ok looking- kind of messy and weak...
Now is the time to get some sound and text integrated...

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

some spaces

This is the Chinese pagoda (starting place for audience) and the stone bridge (Location #1). The rocks that are under the bridge are interesting to play with...so far it is a game of go and stop that is initiated with rock rhythms. Michelle has been singing from under (could also be above, where audience is situated.) We noticed the depth perception flattens at a distance. The carved animals and stones around the periphery are attractive...

Installation on the Rocks?

Yes. It is fun to voyeuristically observe the Ganges meets River Styx person down below, especially if they colorfully offset the light grey/beige rocks...
washing laundry/ drying laundry
dressing/ undressing/ balancing
washing/splashing/wading/throwing rocks
a 35 minute ritual (Kat)

Michelle in the little framed arbor...(needing text- possibly riddles?)

Monday, May 16, 2011

Windy Day #5?

It continues to be super windy on site. Today was the first day of mosquitoes, so I guess I will settle for the wind if I have to choose! But the wind does cut down considerably on sound, depending where you are. Today we spent some time banging on the bridge and it does contain many resonant features, both metal and wooden. The bridge is quite a magical no-man's land. Anything could happen there...

Another cool resonant location was under the stone bridge. We dropped some stones and Michelle was singing from underneath and it sounded quite pretty.

High on my wish list is a boat of some kind. That is another resonant thing. Some kids went under the bridge today on longboats and you could hear them very easily as they said hello to everyone on the bridge. Odd.

Theresa did a lovely little tree climbing solo for us while she talked about lung structure.

We might be pushing it for the desired 35 minutes. We will see how it goes, what gets cut, what gets developed.

Our Soldiers of Fitness Section could be totally absurd or it could get cut.

But so far so good. It is lucky to get to work on site. The bikes are looking like they could be hard for us to deal with while dancing- not sure yet though. Logistics.

The price to equip the bikes with sound sounds reasonable.

Monday, May 9, 2011


Today Michelle, Jason and I explored some possibilities in the space.
Ironically, the bridge was cut off for some police work on the other side of the river, so we got to watch all the joggers get  forced to re-route in frustration.

We had a fun little rhythm romp on a picnic table.

We explored the pathways, borders, walls, stairs, and the rocks nearer to the water.

With so many people continually running and walking through the location on a nice day such as today, you almost don't have to do anything- just sit and watch and listen.

I did enjoy constructing ridiculous and improbable exercise regimes.

We talked about yarnbombing or putting tags or something on a fence or pole.

I am seeing lots of solos and duets. And posting/posing.

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Things that I noticed about the Space

Edmonton: wild or not wild? The park is in between a British or Chinese groomed park and just grass/trees/pathways that are more wild. It feels like a lame attempt to appear modern and urban.

The space is too large= we must make it intimate or else use the vastness to advantage

Chinese garden features a 2007 gift of the Toi Shan society in commemoration of Chinese immigration. It features mutilated stone animals of the zodiac- rabbit with chewed ear, snake tongue chopped off, earless rat, sheep with no head or tail. All are shat on, labels pried off, or broken. 4 stools sit, showing the gluemark where a marble table once stood. Like the various knobs, it has been stolen and removed.

The rose garden is a postcolonial copy complete with memorial and dedication stones.

Rich condos overlook the areas where the poor hang out and the middle classes jog and walk through.

The Transcanada Trail Capital Region Pavilion is nothing more than an excuse to post sponsorship ads.  Completely barren, containing not even a bench (unless that was stolen as well?)

Joggers engage in the duty of staying in shape.
Roadwork in perpetuity (not ready yet!)
Chain link fence
path beginning
bully girls calling me (they think I am a boy)
FAst flowing river- how did the voyageurs pul it off?


Louise McKinney Park maps and photos

Pics with Ernest

Bridge Graffiti: collected May 4

Trev Lusts Kim
PDR 2000
James Dawn Was Wasted HEER /91
I Want
Anette + Dan
Monica + Arnel
Best Busds 4 U+2192.svg
Mahmood Loves Stacy
Veronica + Russ
Nick Lisa
RIP Charlie
MS I'm a disease
Window Fellow
Tammy ♥'s Danny
Happy Birthday Alison
Huong + Huang
What Time is It? Adventure Time!
Chuck + Cara Forever
15 Raindrops MSML

I love you
Dear Charlie
You were the greatest bother and always will be. I spent 12 years with you. We went through a lot but you were and always will be there for me. I thank you for your advice and everything else. REst in Peace Love, Richard. I will always remember you.


Ich Liebe Dick My Friend
Bub is watching you
Wait This Sucks