Saturday, June 25, 2011

Day 2

Highlights included the beaver, the terrible conflicting sound from the Shumka stage, a fully functioning sound bucket, and quite seamless beginning.
-people need encouraging to get into the wishes.
-ran out of pathway string
Theresa fishing: she needs to start with an empty bucket for it to make sense
Michelle's singing was great/can get crossfaded with Shawn more. Shawn cued but it got missed. Need a flag?
In general Shawn is maybe over subtle, depending where one stands.
Chad: can't hear him well after he is dancing on the pathway. That transition is really working.
Angie- be farther up the wall so people can see you when they arrive on pathway
Sonja reveal worked better today- it will be nice tomorrow when the sound bucket is farther south.
I hoped the bucket for Theresa would be dead centre. And a little bit farther south- directly across from the river water dipping pail.
The streamer fell off!
Angie's reindeer through the pagoda was priceeless. Jason keep more arm integrity in the runs and make sure to begin from up the hill all the way!
The clumps were hot stuff
I liked people holding signs. Maybe do that for the wishing tree sign as well? (Angie)

So we will go back to Angie Chad and Jason fading off until disappearing. Michelle and Kat can wait by tree or out of sight. Sonja is good where she is. Shawn and I will take a solo at the end after Theresa/Sonja interact, Michelle is done, and most people have their water....

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