Saturday, June 25, 2011

up and running

Well we got the opening under the belt- 5 more to go!!
It was beautiful weather for the first show, and the first time we actually had all of the elements together at the same time/same place, making it feel almost like seeing a collage.
Gabe's signs are lovely- might need some spacing changes to put in the best places.
The program distribution and test tubes felt a bit clunky- not sure if it is just a matter of organizing or if it is too much to add in for the audience.
Without the program instruction to follow the stream, people are quite shy to travel, so we can try to make sure people know to follow the red string.
The dancing and travelling and timing was all quite nice, especially some of the land-based things we have been working on a lot this week- rocks, pathway, highway/wall, picnic table all worked well. The wishing tree seemed nice- not sure if it needs extra help or not...
We could probably re-insert the contact duet in the grass or a Jason solo if wishes take a long time.
The bridge was a bit formless. The audience gathering spot felt clumpy and it might be nice to spread it out farther by placing the sound pail farther up the bridge. Some people who didn't advance enough did not even see Kat/Michelle. The Works volunteers who were helping with things also did not help enough- Theresa was left without vials to fill and the positioning was wrong. So that needs fixing.
Theresa and Sonja's interaction took a long time to occur and the change afterwards was less obvious than it needs to be.
Theresa could definitely fetch water again. It was missed (she was right)
I am curious about feedback people give us...Shawn figured the diffusion ending was not clear enough or strong enough. Michelle suggests maybe all re-convening at the stone bridge?
The departing dancers could do more dancing- flocking with sparklike solos could work. People responded to the falls initiated by passersby. Maybe it would work to double back?? Or do a fall and stay down long enough to be an ending?
and the hanging pails are lovely but need interactions to be meaningful (like the biker hitting it.)
Also for liability we should place a works person at the other end or a sign to warn people!

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